Pattern baldness & hair loss is often painted as an issue seen to only impact men, however, less than 45% of women will be left unaffected by hair loss within their lifetime. 
Much like male pattern baldness, female pattern hair loss is a genetic condition caused by a sensitivity to the androgen hormone ‘DHT’. DHT plays a large role in many of the body’s functions, even impacting hair growth; however, sensitivity to this hormone is known to trigger a process referred to as ‘miniaturisation’. 
When the hair follicle is overwhelmed by the DHT hormone, it can begin to inflame. If left untreated, this inflammation has potential to become chronic and can shorten the hair strand. If this issue is allowed to continue for too long, the hair follicle can potentially die due to lack of blood flow; at this stage, regrowth becomes impossible. 
So, what can be done about this issue? 
In cases where hair follicle inflammation has occurred as a result of DHT hormone sensitivity, natural hair regrowth is sometimes not a possibility for those suffering with Female Pattern Hair loss. This means that one of the most effective ways individuals can work to restore the look of their hair is through hair transplantation. 
A hair transplant is a hair restoration technique that works to provide patients with a final result that is natural looking and highly professional; as well as a long-term solution to their hair loss issues. To learn more about what our team can do, why not visit our dedicated hair transplant treatment for women page and discover how we can restore the quality of your hair. 
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