Birmingham Dermatology Clinic hair transplant Gallery
At Birmingham Dermatology Clinic we have conducted many hair transplants for a wide range of patients suffering various degrees of hair loss. Please take a moment to view these images below to see how we work and the results that can be achieved through our hair restoration techniques.
1,500 Grafts - FUT


2,250 Grafts - FUT


1,500 Grafts - FUT

2,000 Grafts - FUE

2,200 Grafts - FUT

1,250 Grafts - FUE


Female 1950 Grafts - 12 months post op


2,000 Grafts - FUE


1,750 Grafts - FUE

1,750 Grafts - FUE

Click image to enlarge

" Dr Diaz, His clinic is modern, clean ,he works with professional and established staff, it’s not cheap, but good value for the results, very happy will end result. One is in safe hands. Being in the medical profession myself I wanted a consultant dermatologist to do this. To be realistic to future patients, it is NOT painless as some clinics suggest, nor is it with Dr Diaz but he does cleverly do regional blocks...but you still need to be brave.
All the best."
Many UK hair transplant clinics feature images of work they have not carried out themselves but at Birmingham Dermatology Clinic we believe the only way patients can put their trust in us is to show examples of transplants carried out here at our clinic by our highly skilled surgeon, Dr Camilo Diaz .
To find out more about our hair transplant techniques or to arrange for a confidential consultation please contact Birmingham Dermatology clinic on 07814 656004.