Skin Surgery
Looking for a Private Dermatologist in Birmingham?
Your skin is an extremely significant organ that constantly works to protect your body from harm, preventing possible infection as well as any potential illnesses. For this key reason, it is highly important that we care for our skin properly as to prevent any issues that we may find ourselves facing in the future.
At Birmingham Dermatology Clinic, our highly qualified team of expert skin surgeons work to provide a wide variety of specialised skin surgery options suitable for both medical and cosmetic procedures. From punch biopsy and shave biopsy to skin tag removal, our dermatologists are on hand to provide you with the highest quality care and make use of only the most advanced technology on offer to do so.
If you’re on the lookout for the most effective skin surgery procedures available to you without having to sit on a waiting list, look no further than Birmingham Dermatology Clinic. The attention to detail and level of expertise provided by our resident skin surgeon, Dr Camilo Diaz, will exceed any and all expectations.
All of the team on hand at our private dermatology clinic are highly trained to ensure that you receive the highest level of quality treatment for any skin issue that you may be facing.
Whether medical or cosmetic, our skin surgery procedures will help to both put your mind at rest and restore your confidence in your own skin.
Our skin surgery procedures help our team to both identify and treat any potential skin imperfections that you may find yourself faced with, providing you with the proper level of care that you need as to effectively deal with a range of medical and cosmetic issues, as well as prevent any future issues that may occur.
To learn more about the cosmetic and medical skin surgery treatments that Birmingham Dermatology Clinic provide, browse our range of procedures below:

Mole Removal
To detect melanoma early, it is important to examine your skin on a regular basis.

Contact Us
For a free consultation, no obligation, directly with Dr Diaz, call 0800 0443917 or follow the link below.

If you would like to find out more about undergoing skin surgery in Birmingham, please contact our clinic at 0800 0443917 to arrange a confidential consultation.