Skin Discolouration
Skin Discolouration, often referred to as Melasma or Chloasma, is a skin condition characterised as brown, blotchy pigmentation seen to typically occur on the face. This is a condition that most commonly affects the female population, generally developing between the ages of 30 and 40. Skin discolouration is more common within individuals with darker skin types and those who live in sunnier climates, but can affect anyone at any point within their lives. While the exact cause is unknown, triggers for this skin condition are known to include sun exposure, hormonal contraceptives, and even pregnancy.
Skin Discolouration can be a topic of insecurity for those dealing with the condition, leading many individuals to consider treatment that will help to alleviate symptoms and resolve the issue at hand. Our team at Birmingham Dermatology Clinic are here to help, providing only the highest level of care and resolving any issues seen as a result of Skin Discolouration.
How is Skin Discolouration treated?
There are currently several treatment options available which work to greatly reduce the appearance of skin discolouration, including the use of lightening agents on the affected area and using sun cream year round. Our qualified dermatologists will work with you to provide an expertly curated treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and requirements, helping to provide an expert quality of care and successfully reduce the appearance of skin discolouration.
If you are looking for treatment options as to resolve any issues that you may be dealing with as a result of skin discolouration, get in touch with our skin care experts at Birmingham Dermatology Clinic and schedule your free consultation today. Dr Camilo Diaz is on hand to provide you with the best quality care, providing great results and restoring your confidence. Get in touch with the team today.

Mole Removal
To detect melanoma early, it is important to examine your skin on a regular basis.

Contact Us
For a free consultation, no obligation, directly with Dr Diaz, call 0800 0443917 or follow the link below.

If you would like to find out more about undergoing a surgical excision in Birmingham, please contact our clinic at 0800 0443917 to arrange a confidential consultation.