Eczema Treatment
Eczema, also often referred to as dermatitis, is a skin condition that is seen to occur in people of all ages, affecting around one in every five at some point in their lives. Characterised by epidermal changes, the main features of eczema tend to include, dry, itchy, and red or inflamed skin; dermatitis can be categorised as acute, chronic, or even both depending upon the severity of these symptoms.
Eczema can often be a topic of insecurity for those suffering with the skin condition, having a great impact upon their self-image and confidence overall. For this reason, those suffering with eczema may wish to seek out treatment that will help them to resolve any issues that they may be experiencing when it comes to their skin condition.
If you’re looking for expert eczema treatment, our team at Birmingham Dermatology Clinic are ready and waiting, helping you to achieve clearer skin that will restore your self-confidence.
Dermatitis is often a long-term skin condition that is treated overtime rather than cured completely, but by working alongside our skin care professionals at Birmingham Dermatology Clinic, you will receive the course of treatment best suited to you.
If you’re considering eczema treatment in the Birmingham area, our experts are on hand to help. Contact Birmingham Dermatology Clinic to arrange your first consultation with Dr Camilo Diaz today.
How is Eczema Treated?
Fortunately, it is relatively easy to control most cases of eczema, and treatment for dermatitis can be carried out in a number of ways:
• Antibiotics. For more severe cases of eczema, or cases in which issues of infection are the cause of dermatitis, you may be recommended to undergo a course of antibiotics that will help to fight the infection and ultimately resolve any eczema symptoms that you may be experiencing.
• Emollients. This is a moisturising treatment that will help to soften your skin. It is recommended that an emollient be applied to the skin on a regular basis to prevent dryness, particular after bathing.
• Topical steroid treatment. Your skin specialist may prescribe a course of topical steroid cream or ointment that will help to reduce any symptoms of eczema that you may be experiencing; this will help to reduce any skin irritation as well as any dryness or itchiness.

Mole Removal
To detect melanoma early, it is important to examine your skin on a regular basis.

Contact Us
For a free consultation, no obligation, directly with Dr Diaz, call 0800 0443917 or follow the link below.

If you would like to find out more about undergoing acne treatment in Birmingham, please contact our clinic at 0800 0443917 to arrange a confidential consultation.