Hair loss is a common medical condition, which can affect both men and women at any age. The NHS has stated that over 8 million women in the UK suffer from alopecia (the general medical term for hair loss), and male pattern baldness is one of the most common types of hair loss, which usually affects those who are near the age of 50.* 
Types of Hair Loss 
Having an illness, suffering from stress or hereditary factors can all be reasons why hair loss may occur. There are many types of hair loss conditions, which have different symptoms and causes. Some of the most common are: 
Alopecia areata – this type of hair loss causes patches of baldness 
Anagen effluvium – this is widespread hair loss which can affect the scalp, face and body 
Telogen effluvium – a common type of alopecia where hair becomes thinner 
Scarring alopecia – this is usually caused by complications from another condition. The hair follicle is usually destroyed which means hair will not be able to grow back. 
Losing your hair can be a traumatic experience, and coming to terms with this change can be difficult. The development of modern technology has encouraged the advancements of hair transplant procedures, which can provide longer lasting results. 
What Happens During Surgery? 
A hair transplant is performed under local anaesthetic, where a small piece of your scalp will be removed from an area of your body where there is sufficient hair. This piece of scalp is then divided into either single or small groups of hairs, which can then be placed onto areas where hair is sparse or no longer exists. 
The finer hairs are placed at the front of the scalp, and the thicker hairs are placed at the back, to give a more natural looking result – this process is known as grading. Stitches are rarely required, as the grafts are held in place by the thickening action of the blood where the hairs are inserted – this is also known as clotting. Usually patients will find that within six months, the hair should settle and begin to grow. 
Benefits of Hair Transplant Surgery 
Hair is a big part of a person’s self-image and identity, so suffering from this medical condition can be distressing. The chance of being able to have hair transplant surgery can be a comforting thought for many. Post-surgery results are very natural looking, and having your hair restored could help to increase confidence and boost your self-esteem. 
Are You A Suitable Candidate? 
Surgery for hair loss should only be carried out by a skilled, professional surgeon. Here at Birmingham Dermatology Clinic our hair restoration surgeon, Camilo Diaz, has had much experience performing surgery on patients who have suffered from many types of hair loss conditions. 
If you have been considering this type of surgery for some time, it may be advisable to speak to a surgeon like Camilo, to discuss the procedure further. Various tests may need to be carried out beforehand, to ensure that you are a suitable candidate for surgery to take place. For example, a patient who may have been suffering from hair loss for around five years, has male pattern baldness or is type 3 or more on the Norwood scale is more likely to be considered for hair transplant surgery. Suitability may also depend on the current stage of your hair loss, as some surgeons may recommend waiting until the condition has advanced before surgery can be carried out. 
If you have been suffering from hair loss, and would like to discuss the possibility of undergoing hair transplant surgery, you can contact us on 0800 044 3917. 
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