What is PRP and how can it Treat Hair Loss?
Hair loss, or the thinning of hair over time, is a common concern for both men and women, whether caused by genetic, stress related or other medical conditions, or poor nutrition and haircare. With continued research and advancements in technology, scientists and experts in the field are finding better ways to improve the condition, and restore or even reverse the effects of hair loss disorders. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), is one of these newer techniques, providing effective results in aiding the treatment of hair loss.
PRP concentrates the amount of platelets in our blood plasma, which is formed of red and white blood cells and platelets. Platelets are fragments of cells which promote healing and aid in the clotting of blood at the site of a wound. These cells have important clot and growth features, which allow them to encourage the inflammatory process necessary for faster healing. Blood usually contains around 6% platelets, but PRP significantly increases this amount, in order to take advantage of the platelets’ regenerative properties.
How can PRP be used to treat hair loss?
PRP has been used clinically in the last two decades, successfully assisting with skin rejuvenation or scar healing for improved cosmetic appearance. Now, PRP is proving useful in the restoration of thinning hair, or for those suffering from pattern baldness or alopecia; conditions which are either temporary or permanent. More evidence suggests that PRP can aid hair loss disorders by reinvigorating dormant hair follicles and stimulating hair growth. Additionally, the concentrated plasma can help to achieve best results in post hair restoration procedures, due to its effective healing benefits. People who have lost all hair cannot undergo this treatment however, as it can only strengthens the follicles of existing hair. Some of the ways PRP can be used to treat hair loss include:
Strengthening transplanted hair
Treating male pattern hair loss
For age related hair loss
Preventing hair loss
Treating hair loss caused by several factors
How does PRP work?
The enriched plasma comes from the patient themselves, and is reinjected into the desired area to stimulate the growth process. That it is a biological material from the patient, makes PRP a naturally anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and extremely safe product for use in hair loss or cosmetic procedures. PRP stimulates natural growth in response to the inadequate functioning of hair follicles, and has shown noticeable improvements on the strength and quality of hair with promising long term results.
For more information about PRP treatment or to discuss your requirements, please contact Birmingham Dermatology Clinic on 0800 0443917, to book a consultation.
Tagged as: hair loss
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