Can Stress affect the success of a Hair Transplant?
As we all know, stress can have a wide number of effects on the human body, with one of the most prominent of these being hair loss. As a result, it is perfectly natural to be concerned about whether this can have any kind of determination upon the success of your hair transplant surgery; especially if you’re one of those more prone to stress in your everyday life.
While some initial fallout is natural as part of the hair loss treatment process, it is uncommon for factors of increased pressure to play a part in the well-being of transplanted hair. However, there are other aspects of your daily life that can weigh in on the outcomes of your hair transplant surgery and how effective the results will be.
If opting to undergo hair loss treatment, it’s vital that you allow the surgery to work as well as it possibly can. Due to this, it is important to be as truthful and honest as you can with your surgeon about any details of your lifestyle they may need to know, giving them the best chances to create a successful head of hair. Certain bad habits can have an impact on the healing process, so it’s very important this is taken into account.
The excessive consumption of alcohol can have negative effects on the outcome of your surgery, causing the scalp to bleed and thus interfering with the blood clotting process that helps to bond the newly transplanted hairs to your head. Smoking heavily is also a factor proven to have adverse consequences, slowing the circulation of blood and therefore compromising the amount that’s supplied to the scalp. This could result in the new hair grafts not taking root properly. By reducing the amount that you drink / smoke on average, or by stopping all together, you will be increasing your chances of hair transplant success.
While stress is rarely seen to have an effect on the outcome of any hair loss treatment, it does have a knock on effect to your overall physical health, meaning hair loss due to an increase of pressure is definitely a possibility. Due to this, we recommend steering clear of any stressful situations in the run up to your surgery and in the following weeks afterwards as to ensure your hair implant is as successful as possible. It is also vital to work towards lowering your alcohol and tobacco intake as this can also have dramatic effects.
If you suffer from hair loss and are interested in finding a solution to the problem, visit our hair transplant page for details on how our Birmingham hair loss clinic can help you.
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